Monday, March 28, 2011

Modern food preparation.. What about it?

Preparing a delicious homemade feast is a matter of clicking few buttons today, with all the cutting-edge kitchen appliances available. Due to this, very less time and energy is spent over cooking now and it has become an enjoyable, hassle free activity. And the quality of our lifestyle and diet has greatly improved thanks to this modernized cooking.

Fast and easy cooking has liberated women to a greater extent enabling them to do jobs, enjoy outdoor activities as much as men. Thus the whole family can enjoy longer together. Also since new methods of cooking are so easy, it doesn’t require expert knowledge or experience, that even men and children are able to prepare their food today. Organizing a cocktail or a party is nothing today due to fast cooking methods and wedding or thanksgiving does not make females quiver anymore.

Another advantage of modern cooking is that it helps us eat more nutritious and tasty food of a larger variety. We can make all kinds of juices and smoothies at home using juicers and food processors or mixers. Microwave ovens, having pioneered this revolutionary cooking, have made it ever easier to cook or heat meals with less time while preserving nutrients.

However, we still find most people in Asian countries being reluctant to embrace these new technologies because their staple foods are mostly traditional and complex. In my opinion, I see spending a lot of time over cooking is fruitless and the time is better spent enjoying the meal instead. And this is exactly what we enjoy today with easy food preparation.

Juvenile delinquency..Is it the fault of working mothers?

It's true that women’s role in society has changed largely during the past decade and as a result we see more independent, occupied and busy women these days. A lot of children are now being raised in day care centers or nurseries having both parents engaged in full time jobs. Some think that this may be the cause for the increase in violence and crimes in society. This could be true partially but there are several other prominent factors that contribute towards increasing delinquency in youth.

It is so vital that women should work in order to maintain an acceptable living standard in a family and thus she may not be able to attend full time on her children’s activities. But there are ways to increase the quality time spent together for a family and these are being practiced by a lot of educated parents. Having failed to do this and maintain a work life balance could surely affect the youngsters mental development. So there is high chance that these children may become vandals later on.

According to latest researches, there are other factors  which cause delinquency such as family conflicts, misuse or abuse of children and drug usage of school children. So these factors contribute more towards a child’s psychological development irrespective of whether their mother is working or not. When the parents constantly fight, the children become more vulnerable towards drug and alcohol. And this may lead them to commit crimes to fund their dugs or they may behave violently as a result of the inappropriate exposure.

Thus, I think it’s both parents responsibility to raise children with good care. And schools, religious centers and government should all take the responsibility for the fate of the youth today and working mothers, alone, cannot be blamed for this matter.